Certify your building with rating tools developed by Green Building Council Indonesia.


Certify your building with EDGE certification system from GBC Indonesia and IFC collaboration

About Certification

As the manifestation of green building movement, certified building is the metric to measure it. Green Building Council Indonesia as the main driver to push green building growth Indonesia, has undergone certification program since 2009.

Currently GBC Indonesia is running two different certification system. GREENSHIP certification is based on GREENSHIP rating tools developed by GBC Indonesia and currently covering six types of certification such as New Building, Existing Building, Interior Space, Homes, Neighborhood, and Net Zero.The other certification that managed by GBC Indonesia is EDGE Certification as collaboration with International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Certification program is needed to give a measured impact of green building implementation. The comparation between self claimed green building and certified green buildings are as follows.

In running certification program, GBC Indonesia is in partnership with two certification partner, PT. Seritifikasi Bangunan Hijau and PT. Sucofindo. Their company profile can be seen here